As a reputable student recruitment agent in Scandinavia, we set forth certain requirements for existing and future partners.
To become a partner university of Studysea, the university must fulfill the following criteria to be considered:
The institution and the degrees, must, as a minimum, be accredited nationally in the country they are offered. Instructors must be competent and fluent in English and the academic level must meet international standards. Detailed curricula and course descriptions must be available for all programs and courses to ensure students haveĀ the necessary documentation to be approved for credit transfer and government funding.
The Institution must have a wide selection of programs and courses taught in English. Curricula and course descriptions must be available in English.
The institution must have good and modern facilities that live up to international standards.
The institution must provide a high level of support to international students. The staff appointed to assist international students must be able to communicate in English. International students must have access to a coordinator or advisor. The institution must be able to process applications from international students quickly. Transcripts must be made available in English shortly after students have completed a term.
The institution must have a good environment for international students. A new-student orientation and social activities must be held at the beginning and throughout the semester. TheĀ institution must have experience in receiving and educating international students.
The institution must be approved by the relevant authorities to receive and education international students and to issue the required documentation needed for obtaining a student visa.
The institution must have a location attractive to international students. The campus must be located centrally or be well-connected to public transportation. Student housing or equivalent must be available in the campus area.
The institution must be committed to recruit, receive and educate international students and especially Scandinavians. The commitment must be supported by the top university management.
The institution must offer a study abroad program for fee-paying students that wish to study a term abroad.